

AMR Consulting was originally inspired by a dynamic intersection of passions for civil engineering, modeling and animation. The owner, Adam Reilly, started his CAD career with a small surveying firm in Texas. During his down time, he experimented with 3d modeling and eventually opted to attend an art school to advance his education with 3d animation and modeling. Over time, he realized that he loved doing CAD work more - about the same time he realized he wasn’t artistic enough to compete in the animation market - and ultimately ended up embarking on a career in the civil industry around 2003.

During his time at a large firm in Fort Worth, Texas, Adam learned to develop AutoLISP and VBA tools to help cut down the tedium of some of his day to day tasks. Later, Civil 3D was released to his firm, where he dove head-first into the software and it’s complexities. Adam started with digging deeply into the Part Builder and making custom parts for every day use with his project teams. He learned how to develop Civil 3D standards and templates, and eventually began contracting out as a CAD Manager and Civil 3D implementation specialist. He developed a set of standards for a handful of companies before the recession caused him to move from Fort Worth to the Austin area to take a more full-time role.

Over time, AMR Consulting expanded to add more 3d modeling using Infraworks and 3D Studio, along with additional CAD training and consulting. Adam began to dabble in more programming tools to utilize the latest .Net capabilities for developing add-ins for AutoCAD and Civil 3D. AMR Consulting has developed several applications for private use. Thanks to the support and feedback from friends and the CAD community, AMR Consulting has begun to develop tools for more widespread sale to the public, through the Autodesk App Store.

If you find a need in your CAD software or business and need some help, feel free to reach out to us at any time, hopefully we can help fill that need. If not, we will certainly help you find the right person that can.